What Is The Weather Like In Gatlinburg?




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Have you been wondering about what is the weather like in Gatlinburg? Look no further! This article will provide you with all the latest updates on the current weather conditions in this charming city. Whether you’re planning a hike, a picnic, or simply want to stay updated, we’ve got you covered. So, grab your umbrella or sunscreen, and let’s find out what the weather is like in Gatlinburg!

What is the Weather like in Gatlinburg

The Latest Weather Update for Gatlinburg

Gatlinburg is a charming mountain town nestled in the heart of the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. As a popular tourist destination, knowing the latest weather conditions in Gatlinburg is essential for planning your activities and ensuring a pleasant visit. Whether you’re enjoying the vibrant colors of fall foliage, exploring the lush landscapes of spring, or reveling in the winter wonderland, here is the comprehensive weather update for Gatlinburg.

What Is The Weather Like In Gatlinburg

The current weather conditions in Gatlinburg are mild and comfortable at the time of publication which is in October of 2023. With an average temperature of 65°F (18°C), you can expect pleasant days and cool nights throughout the year. The weather in Gatlinburg is predominantly influenced by its location in the Appalachian Mountains, resulting in mild summers and chilly winters. However, it is important to note that weather conditions can change rapidly, so it’s always wise to stay updated on the latest forecasts.


Gatlinburg experiences four distinct seasons, each with its own unique charm. Spring brings comfortable temperatures ranging from 55°F (13°C) to 75°F (24°C), making it an ideal time for outdoor exploration. Summer temperatures range from 75°F (24°C) to 85°F (29°C), offering warm days and cool evenings. Fall is a magical season with temperatures ranging from 45°F (7°C) to 65°F (18°C), highlighting the stunning colors of the changing leaves. Winter temperatures range from 30°F (-1°C) to 50°F (10°C), creating a snowy landscape perfect for winter adventures.


Gatlinburg receives moderate rainfall throughout the year, with an average of 60 inches (152 cm) annually. The wettest months are typically from July to September, coinciding with the summer season. It is advisable to carry an umbrella or rain jacket during these months. Snowfall is common in the winter months, particularly in higher elevations, adding an enchanting touch to the picturesque scenery. Just be sure to check the latest forecasts and road conditions if you plan to visit during the snowy season.


The wind is generally mild in Gatlinburg, with occasional breezes that add a refreshing touch to the outdoor experience. The average wind speed typically ranges from 5 mph (8 km/h) to 10 mph (16 km/h), creating a soothing atmosphere. However, it is important to note that weather patterns can change, and occasional gusts of wind may occur. Keep this in mind when participating in outdoor activities like hiking or camping.


Gatlinburg experiences moderate humidity levels throughout the year, ranging from 50% to 70%. The summer months tend to be more humid, while the fall and winter seasons offer drier air. The moderate humidity levels contribute to the lush greenery and thriving wildlife in and around Gatlinburg. If you prefer lower humidity, visiting during the fall or winter may be more suitable for you.


The visibility in Gatlinburg is generally excellent, providing breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and forests. However, it is essential to keep an eye on the weather conditions, as fog and mist can occasionally reduce visibility, particularly during the morning hours. If you plan to explore the scenic beauty of Gatlinburg, it is advisable to check the visibility forecasts beforehand.

Extended Forecast

Daily Forecast

To truly enjoy Gatlinburg to the fullest, keeping an eye on the daily forecast is crucial. It allows you to plan your activities accordingly and ensures a seamless experience. The daily forecast provides information on temperature, precipitation, wind speed, humidity, and visibility. Checking the forecast before you embark on your daily adventures will help you decide whether to pack an umbrella, dress in layers, or plan for indoor activities.

Weekly Forecast

For those planning a longer stay in Gatlinburg, the weekly forecast is a valuable resource. It gives you a broader outlook on the weather conditions for the upcoming week, allowing you to plan your itinerary and make any necessary modifications. Whether you’re planning a week-long hiking trip or a leisurely exploration of the town, the weekly forecast will help guide your decisions and ensure a memorable experience.

To get the most out of the weather and an accurate forecast we recommend checking out the local news sites for Gatlinburg weather information.

Potential Weather Events

Gatlinburg is occasionally affected by weather events that require extra caution and preparedness. These events can include thunderstorms, heavy rainfall, or even snowstorms during the winter months. Monitoring the forecast for potential weather events can help you avoid any disruptions to your plans and stay safe during your visit. It’s always a good idea to stay informed through local weather stations, online weather apps, or weather news websites.


Spring in Gatlinburg is a time of renewal and vibrancy. As nature awakens from its winter slumber, temperatures gradually rise, and flowers bloom throughout the mountains. The spring season offers comfortable temperatures ranging from 55°F (13°C) to 75°F (24°C), perfect for exploring the numerous hiking trails and scenic overlooks in the Great Smoky Mountains. However, it’s important to remember that spring can also bring occasional rain showers, so be prepared with appropriate attire and gear.


Summer in Gatlinburg brings warmth and sunshine, making it an ideal time for outdoor activities and exploration. Average temperatures range from 75°F (24°C) to 85°F (29°C), providing ample opportunities for hiking, fishing, and water sports. The long days of summer offer plenty of daylight to explore the stunning landscapes and indulge in the natural beauty that surrounds Gatlinburg. Don’t forget to pack sunscreen and stay hydrated during your outdoor adventures.


Fall is a magical season in Gatlinburg, drawing visitors from far and wide to witness the majestic transformation of the foliage. The temperatures during fall range from 45°F (7°C) to 65°F (18°C), creating a pleasant atmosphere for outdoor activities. The breathtaking colors of the changing leaves make fall an ideal time for hiking, scenic drives, and photography enthusiasts. Layering your clothing is advisable, as the temperatures can fluctuate throughout the day.


Winter in Gatlinburg offers a picturesque wonderland, with snow-covered mountains and a serene atmosphere. Though temperatures may dip to 30°F (-1°C) to 50°F (10°C), it provides an opportunity for winter sports enthusiasts to enjoy skiing, snowboarding, and tubing in the nearby ski resorts. The winter landscape also offers a unique chance to spot wildlife in their natural habitats. Dress warmly and be prepared for occasional snowfall if you plan to visit during this season.

Weather Alerts and Warnings

Severe Weather Alerts

Gatlinburg, like any other region, can experience severe weather conditions. Thunderstorms, tornadoes, and heavy rainfall are potential severe weather events that could occur. It’s essential to stay informed about any severe weather alerts issued by local authorities or the National Weather Service. Following safety protocols and seeking shelter in case of severe weather is paramount. Pay attention to local news broadcasts or download weather apps that send alerts directly to your device.

Flood Warnings

Due to its location in the mountains, Gatlinburg is susceptible to flash floods, particularly during heavy rainfall. The elevation changes contribute to faster water runoff, potentially leading to flash floods that can be dangerous. It’s crucial to heed any flood warnings issued by local authorities and avoid low-lying areas or areas prone to flooding. Stay informed about the weather conditions and make sure to plan your activities accordingly.

Air Quality Alerts

Gatlinburg takes pride in its pristine mountain air; however, there are occasional instances of heightened air pollution, particularly during the summer months. It’s important to monitor any air quality alerts and take necessary precautions, especially for individuals with respiratory conditions. Adjusting outdoor activities or seeking indoor alternatives during periods of poor air quality can help ensure your well-being during your visit to Gatlinburg.

What Is The Weather Like In Gatlinburg?

Best Time to Visit Gatlinburg

Ideal Weather Conditions

The ideal weather conditions for visiting Gatlinburg vary depending on personal preferences and desired activities. If you enjoy mild temperatures, blooming flowers, and the enchantment of spring, visiting during the spring season is perfect for you. For those who cherish long days filled with outdoor adventures, summer offers ample opportunities. Fall, with its vibrant foliage and comfortable temperatures, is a photographer’s dream. And if you’re a winter enthusiast who loves skiing and breathtaking snow-capped landscapes, winter is the time to visit.

Peak Tourist Season

Gatlinburg experiences peak tourist seasons during the warmer months of spring, summer, and fall. The peak season brings an influx of tourists who come to bask in the natural beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains and enjoy the numerous outdoor activities. If you prefer a livelier atmosphere, with more events and attractions open, plan your visit during the peak tourist season. However, it’s important to note that popular attractions may be crowded during this time, and accommodation rates may be higher.


For a quieter and more peaceful experience, consider visiting Gatlinburg during the off-season. The winter months and early spring, as well as late fall, offer a more serene atmosphere with fewer crowds. The off-season allows you to enjoy the beauty of Gatlinburg at your own pace and engage in activities with less congestion. Additionally, you may find more attractive rates on accommodations and have more flexibility with bookings during the off-season.

Weather Impact on Outdoor Activities

Hiking and Camping

Gatlinburg offers a plethora of hiking trails and campsites for outdoor enthusiasts. The weather conditions can greatly impact your hiking and camping experiences. It’s important to dress appropriately for the weather, wear sturdy shoes, and bring necessary gear such as hiking poles, backpacks, and camping supplies. Staying hydrated and following proper trail etiquette is essential for a safe and enjoyable hiking or camping trip. Keep an eye on the weather forecasts as conditions can change quickly, particularly in mountainous regions.

Water Sports

Gatlinburg’s proximity to rivers and lakes offers endless opportunities for water sports enthusiasts. Whether you enjoy kayaking, white-water rafting, or fishing, it’s important to be aware of the weather conditions before heading out. Checking the river or lake levels, as well as any potential hazards or closures, is crucial for your safety. Dress appropriately, wear life jackets, and be cautious during periods of heavy rainfall. Always follow safety guidelines and trust your instincts when engaging in water sports.

Wildlife Viewing

Gatlinburg is teeming with diverse wildlife, providing nature enthusiasts with incredible opportunities for wildlife viewing. From the iconic black bears to white-tailed deer and various bird species, the Great Smoky Mountains are a haven for animal enthusiasts. It’s important to be respectful of the animals’ natural habitats and keep a safe distance. Weather conditions, such as heavy rainfall or fog, can affect wildlife behavior and visibility. Make sure to be aware of any trail closures or warnings in the area to ensure a safe and enjoyable wildlife viewing experience.

What Is The Weather Like In Gatlinburg?

Weather Preparedness Tips

Dress Appropriately

Dressing appropriately for the weather in Gatlinburg is essential for your comfort and safety. Layering your clothing allows you to adapt to changing temperatures throughout the day. It’s advisable to wear moisture-wicking and breathable fabrics, especially during the warmer months, to stay comfortable during outdoor activities. During the winter season, bundle up with warm layers, including a waterproof jacket and insulated boots, to protect yourself from the cold temperatures and occasional snowfall.

Stay Hydrated

Gatlinburg’s mountainous terrain and outdoor activities can be physically demanding, making it crucial to stay hydrated. Carry a reusable water bottle and drink plenty of water throughout the day, particularly during warmer weather. Dehydration can occur even if you don’t feel thirsty, so it’s important to make hydration a priority. Additionally, if you plan to engage in strenuous activities such as hiking or biking, consider carrying electrolyte supplements to replenish lost minerals.

Be Aware of Wildlife

Gatlinburg’s natural beauty extends to its abundant wildlife population. It’s essential to respect their habitats and remain a safe distance from them. Approaching or feeding wildlife can be dangerous for both humans and animals. Keep a safe distance and use binoculars or a zoom lens for a close-up view. Be mindful of any wildlife warnings or closures in the area. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy observing wildlife while minimizing any potential negative impact on their well-being.

Follow Trail Closures

Weather conditions can occasionally result in trail closures to ensure the safety of visitors. It’s important to check for any trail closures or warnings before embarking on your adventure. This information is usually provided by park authorities or visitor centers. Following trail closures helps prevent accidents or getting lost in hazardous conditions. It’s always wise to have alternative plans or backup trails in mind in case your original choice is closed or inaccessible.

Weather Resources in Gatlinburg

Local Weather Stations

Gatlinburg has several local weather stations that provide up-to-date and accurate weather information. These stations gather data specific to the region and can provide insights into local weather patterns. Listening to local weather station broadcasts or accessing their websites can help you stay informed about the weather conditions in Gatlinburg. Be sure to take note of any severe weather alerts or warnings issued by these stations to stay safe during your visit.

Online Weather Apps

With the advancement of technology, numerous weather apps are available to help you stay informed about the weather conditions in Gatlinburg. These apps often provide real-time updates, hourly and daily forecasts, as well as severe weather alerts. Some popular weather apps include Weather.com, AccuWeather, and The Weather Channel. Downloading a reliable weather app on your mobile device can give you access to valuable weather information on the go.

Weather News Websites

Weather news websites are another valuable resource for gathering comprehensive weather information. Websites such as Weather.gov, Weather Underground, or local news outlets offer detailed forecasts, radar imagery, and weather-related news. These websites often provide in-depth analysis of weather patterns and can be a great source for tracking any potential weather events or changes. Stay connected with these websites to ensure you have the most accurate weather information during your time in Gatlinburg.

green trees on mountain during daytime

Historical Weather Data for Gatlinburg

Temperature Records

Gatlinburg has a rich history of weather patterns, and historical temperature data can provide insights into the climate trends. Average high and low temperatures, as well as temperature records for specific dates or months, can be found through various online resources. Using these records can help you better understand the typical temperature ranges during different seasons, aiding in your planning and preparation for your visit to Gatlinburg.

Rainfall Data

Rainfall data is crucial for understanding precipitation patterns in Gatlinburg. Historical rainfall data can help you determine the wettest months, average rainfall amounts, and provide insights into potential weather events. This information assists in choosing appropriate attire, planning outdoor activities, and anticipating any expected rainfall during your visit. Many weather websites or climate databases offer access to historical rainfall data for Gatlinburg.

Seasonal Averages

Understanding seasonal averages is essential for gauging the weather conditions you can expect during your visit to Gatlinburg. These averages provide insights into temperature ranges, precipitation levels, and overall climate trends for each season. By reviewing seasonal averages, you can make informed decisions about when to visit and which activities are best suited for each season. This information allows you to plan your itinerary accordingly and ensure a memorable experience in Gatlinburg.


In conclusion, staying informed about the latest weather conditions in Gatlinburg is crucial for planning a successful and enjoyable visit. From the current weather conditions to extended forecasts, potential weather events, and seasonal weather trends, this comprehensive article has provided a wealth of information to help you make the most of your time in Gatlinburg. Whether you’re embarking on outdoor adventures, exploring the town’s attractions, or simply enjoying the breathtaking scenery, staying prepared, and following weather updates ensures a pleasant and safe experience. So, stay informed, enjoy the weather, and plan accordingly to make your visit to Gatlinburg truly unforgettable.

mountain under cloudy sky


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