Ripley’s Moving Theater – Gatlinburg Attraction Review





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Ripley’s Moving Theater – Gatlinburg Attraction 

Ripley's Moving Theater - Gatlinburg AttractionIf you want to find a mainstay attractions in Gatlinburg, then anything with the name Ripley’s attached to it will be doing it for you. In this article, we will be covering the Ripley’s Moving Theater which is one of those attractions that you may have read about before but never really considered going to before. I mean with all that Gatlinburg has to offer you with attractions your time is of the essence and that is going to be something you are going to want to know when you are looking at this amazing attraction that is located in Gatlinburg. Since this is the case, I have decided it was time for me to review this attraction to let you know if you are going to get the right entertainment for your buck or not.

Location Of Ripley’s Moving Theater

One of the first things you will need to know is when the theater is going to be open and where it is located at. By knowing this you can easily set aside some time to find the location, which is very easy to do, but also know you are going to have a great time because you will not get lost in time trying to find the theater. Since that is the case, the address of the theater is:

904 Parkway

Gatlinburg, TN 37738.

The hours for the Theater will be almost the exact same all the time.

Sunday – Thursday the theater is open 10:00 AM until 11:00 PM

Friday and Saturday the location is open from 10:00 AM until Midnight.

Features Of The Theater

  • The theater is one that is going to provide you with a 5D theater type of impact. Now you may be asking what the heck is a 5D experience? I do not blame you if you are because I can tell you that I was confused as well. However, this is a theater that is going to provide you with the normal 3D experience, but also going to move around and have you experience thinks like a blast of wind when appropriate and really provide you with a great sensory overload.
  • The realism of being in the movie is another aspect that you will enjoy as well. Usually, this is something you would overlook because so many of the movie theaters do not offer a realistic feel of being in the movie. However, because this is a moving theater, which has quite a bit more going for it you will notice it is going to be easier for you to have a feeling that you are in the movie theater.
  • Digital effects are something a lot of people tend to overlook, but when you are part of the movie, like you would feel like with the movie theater here you would notice that it is going to have some great feel to it, but the digital effects are going to make it quite a bit easier for you to have a great time because you will pay more attention to the effects than what you did before.

What I Liked About The Theater

I really liked the fact this theater is set off from the rest of the theaters that I had ever been to. I mean, literally, this is a theater that is going to take and be a step above everything that you are going to want to see elsewhere. This is going to make it stand out for you and definitely going to make this a lot more enjoyable trip for you to go on and know you will have a great vacation because you have a chance to experience something completely different, which is what going somewhere new is meant to do.

Since this is a Ripley’s attraction you will, if you are like me, love the fact you can bundle this in with another attraction with Ripley’s coupons.  These coupons generally make it easier for you to get into the attractions and have a chance to go out and see a couple of attractions for a lower price. Then you will be able to enjoy the attractions and know you are not going to miss out on anything, but if you find one of the attractions boring you will notice the Aquarium of the Smokies is one of the Ripley’s attractions as well and that is often seen as one of those places you can bundle to as well.

If you have kids, then you know they are going to constantly want you to go out and do something outside of taking the mountains. With this being said, you will like the fact this is a quasi-ride that you can take your kids on and spend close to an hour with them. What else is nice is this is a fairly kid-friendly ride, but you need to pay attention to the lower age range because some of the younger kids may find this kind of scary or be a little hard on them.

What I Did Not Care For

The ride is rough. Now, this is something that they do not really warn you about, outside of the fact that if you are pregnant or have a medical condition to use caution. However, this is definitely not all you need to know about. As some people have described it, it is almost like going to a very rough chiropractors office. So you should be careful about the ride if you are like my husband and have any type of a back injury or have had major surgery that warns you against roller coasters.

Depending on when you are at the location you may notice some of the ride is off with the screen action. This can be very annoying and if you are like me may make you want to quit watching right away. Then throw in the fact this timing issue can lead to you not being able to prepare for the next time the theater is going to move you around.

My Final Thoughts On The Ripley’s Moving Theater 

I have to admit, this is a great attraction if it is raining, but if the sun is out then I would recommend heading elsewhere. This is very true if you have any type of medical condition that can be harmed by the jerky that can happen in the seats. With that being the case I would have to say for my family we will have to pass on the Ripley’s Moving Theater because of the back issue, but also we have a small toddler as well who may not enjoy the jerking the ride can provide.

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