Gatlinburg is one of the most traveled cities in America, but it is not necessarily because of the town itself. In fact, Gatlinburg is often referred to as the Gateway to the Smokies. This is a beautiful national park, that has millions of visitors each year. Some of those visitors are going to come from America, but some of them will even be foreign visitors. So this alone is going to show the popularity of the Smokey mountains and the national park. However, what you need to realize is most of the time people are going to stay out of the park because the camping can be crowded, but also because of the bears. This leaves only a couple of options for people to stay at and still be close to the park.
The number one option, which people will enjoy is going to be Gatlinburg. Since this is the number one option, you need to know more about the different hotels, restaurants, and even the shopping that you have available here. By knowing about these options, you can see exactly why Gatlinburg is the perfect getaway town for people to enjoy and have plenty of things to do, even if they are not going up into the mountains.
The second option, which we are not going to cover on this page, but may cover in the future on a different page is Pigeon Forge. This is another town that is on the outskirts of the Smokies, but it is not a town that directly borders the park. So that is why we are not covering this town first, but we do plan on covering it in the future for all of you who want to learn more about the region.
As far as our coverage in Gatlinburg, we will try to write a nonbiased review of each hotel, restaurant and attraction in the region. For the park, we will write about the things you can do, the sights that are a must see, and even the different things that you can see as far as from a nature standpoint. So the information will be informative and hopefully helpful as well.
We do hope you will enjoy our information that is presented to you and we look forward to hearing back from everyone. As always, the traveling needs to be done safely and respect nature, remember we are not in control, nature is. The more we respect it, the better we can have a grasp over how nature will respond to us.